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All About ULTRAFORMER’s Face Lifting Success

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The Procedure

The Ultraformer III provides a generally comfortable procedure, although some patients may experience mild ache along bony areas such as the jawline. The treatment will take approximately 30 minutes or more depending on the area you get treated on.

Ultraformer III’s High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a medical ultrasound treatment used for non-surgical lifting of the face and tightening of the skin. It heats the skin, focuses on the deeper tissues, and the SMAS layer (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System), stimulating existing collagen fibers to thicken and shorten thereby bringing about an overall skin tightening and face lifting effect.

After the Procedure

There is minimal downtime from this treatment. Your skin may be a bit red immediately afterwards but any redness usually subsides within a few hours. There may be mild swelling of the treated areas which settles after several days.

Treatment with the Ultraformer III is generally very safe and well-tolerated. Common temporary side effects include:
• Mild redness and swelling
• Temporary bruising
• Temporary numbness

Though these should resolve in a few hours or days.

This treatment is effective for:
• Smoothing wrinkles
• Tightening of sagging and loose skin
• Reduction of stubborn fat around the arms, tummy, hips, thighs etc.

Its effects take several weeks to months to be observed as the skin is restructured over time. This treatment can be repeated from 12 months onwards.

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